Which is better: a Chinese public school education or an American school education?

There are two kind of education. Which is as Chinese public education or American school education. Most people know that Chinese public education is strict and caged the freedom of students. Also they think that American school education is creative and free. Even we don’t have freedom and education is strict, I prefer the Chinese public education system because of these reasons.

First, Chinese education develop and help to improve Math, Reading and Science which is useful to develop the country. One example is PISA test score result on 2012. The first rank of PISA reading test is China (Shanghai). The top 5 country of PISA reading test score rank is China, Korea, Finland, Hong Kong and Singapore. Expect Finland, most of country is Asia country. These mean Asia country students are good at studying. Also, the America rank of this test is 9th.

Second is about Shanghai education system. Shanghai took first place in the OECD’s global school rankings for reading, math and science. Also, 84% of teenagers go on to higher education. 80% of pupils have after-school tutors. And, There are now more than 200,000 overseas people in Shanghai, particularly from Japan, US and South Korea. This means that Shanghai has well education than American education

At last, there are some china education facts. By the first semester of first grade, students are expected to recognize 400 Chinese characters and write 100 of them. More than 60% of high school graduates in China now attend a university, up from 20% in the 1980s. Chinese children typically start their formal education at age two.

In conclusion, because China got first rank of PISA test and Shanghai has good education system for students and some China education facts, I think Chinese public school education is better than American school education. But Chinese education is too strict and nor free so to be best education system, we need to free little bit of the students.

One Response

  1. Mr Cooper June 2, 2015 at 1:55 am |

    Thank you Dabin! This sounds like a topic of some interest to you. I like very much that you have provided quite a few examples of evidence to shed light on the debate and justify your position. However, I would have been interested to hear your opinion on the purpose of education. Is it just about passing tests to get into university? Good work though on researching and including evidence in your writing.


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