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Which is better: a Chinese public school education or an American school education?

There are two kind of education. Which is as Chinese public education or American school education. Most people know that Chinese public education is strict and caged the freedom of students. Also they think that American school education is creative and free. Even we don’t have freedom and education is strict, I prefer the Chinese […]

Passion Project in Language Art Class(2)

(Previous post of passion project: https://dabinchoi.edublogs.org/2015/05/13/passion-project-in-language-art-class1/) We have two weeks until passion project art exhibition. I am trying hard to finish this passion project but it’s not easy. I didn’t had enough time to write this story and still I don’t have a lot of time to write this story. I started to worry that can […]

Romeo and Juliet Presentation

Romeo and Juliet Presentation

In Language art class, we have been reading Romeo and Juliet and now we have to make some presentation about the play. We have to do some research about it and think about the presentation and then, we can make the presentation I decide to do by Power point. First I tried to choose in […]

100 Word Challenge Week 33

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Dorothy lived with her uncle and aunt in Kansas. Dorothy had a special dream. Her dream was to visit the village that located over the rainbow. One day, Dorothy went outside to watch the rainbow and dreamed same thing as usual and her uncle and […]

100 Word Challenge Week 30

I am going to list some things that make me exciting ! When I eat whole packs of Cornflakes I am so excited. Because I really like Cornflakes but my mom doesn’t let me to eat . Also , my favorite animal is Lion. Sometimes, I dream that I became zoo keepers and a friend with Lion. Isn’t this sound fun? […]

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