100 word challenge Week 29

For our test the test materials there are booklets, answer sheets, pencil, eraser and some scratch paper . We are not allowed to write something in the booklets – all the answers need to be in answer sheets . In to the sheet mostly there are 4 blanks A, B, C, D, and we need to color the circle in pencil and not to make X marks the spot . Erasers and pencils will help to make mark on the answer sheet . We need to scratch paper for making notes or for math test we could solve the questions on scratch paper. So good luck on the test!

3 Responses

  1. Mrs T April 24, 2015 at 3:45 am |

    I like your different perspective about “x marks the spot”. You obviously have tests on your mind after last week. Great post, DaBin.

  2. Mrs Evans (100wc) May 6, 2015 at 9:40 pm |

    Thank you for your entry into the 100wc, DaBin.

    This is a surprising piece of writing. I wasn’t expecting to read about tests! It sounds like you have a lot of recent experience in this area!

    I am in the UK and I am not familiar with ‘scratch paper’. Is it sometimes called by a different name?

    Well done for taking such a creative approach to the prompt. It was a nice surprise! Keep up the good work!

    Mrs Evans (100wc UK)

  3. Mrs T May 7, 2015 at 2:34 am |

    Mrs Evans – on behalf of my student, thank you for commenting. Scratch paper is what we would call draft paper, or rough paper.


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